Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Bubble Effect

What is it about having great chemistry with someone, that you often feel like you're in a bubble with them, and even though you're both in the world it's as if a membrane or cocoon had formed around you both, and your private loving and erotic bond is all that you're aware of? I was thinking about what this implies in terms of alternative realties.

Why do we save our best behavior for our coworkers and not our closest friends and loved ones? Perhaps we forget. Once the ties are gone, Blackberries turned off, email logged out of and laser pointers pocketed, where are we to go? Suddenly, we regard our time differently, creating a separation of self, a personal divide between the who we are at home versus at work. A fragmented self, even if the two halves aren't working against one another, is a funny yet, in my life at least, all-too-common thing.

Thinking about it, very, very few people get to see both sides of me and a person on one side would have a hard time seeing the other somethimes. I fancy myself as someone who could take a girl to a wonderful Beethoven symphony wearing white tie, then go home and fuck her until my balls ran dry and her body was filled with sperm, then go back out the next day and return to my usual Uber-Dork existence. But it's not always that easy. In myself I sometimes feel like there are two different people who once in a while meet (say while peeing in the shower...) and then go their separate ways.

What's going on here? Do you feel like you are two different people sometimes? Or is it just a healthy, fun version of the "work hard, play hard" ethos? Does really getting your groove on behind closed doors allow you to go face the music the next day with even more professionalism and poise? ... whatcha think, people?

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